1999 April
Letter to the Editor: April 1999
Why Bother to Convert?... A Prisoner Calls for Real Discipline in the Church... Common Ground, Episcopalian-Style... In the Silk (for Now)... Silly Ads, Senile Cause... Many Sacrifices... Gentle Rebukes Don't Cut It...
READ ARTICLE"Tolerating" Christianity Into Irrelevance
The choice between liberalism and religious orthodoxy is not a choice between reason and dogma; it is a choice between competing dogmas.
READ ARTICLESweet Land of Liberty (Or of 'Intimate Relationships'?)
Federal and state courts are asked to spin rights from apparently endless spools of jurisprudential thread labeled “liberty” and “equality.”
READ ARTICLE"Grandpa! Grandpa!"
Harold Cybulski was to be taken off life support. When his two-year-old grandson ran in, Cybulski opened his eyes, sat up, and reached for the boy.
READ ARTICLEWhy Is It O.K. to Insult a Pregnant Lady?
Unsolicited conversations often turn into sermonettes, confrontations, or inquisitions if this is not the “blessed” first child.
READ ARTICLEWas Our Lord a Fundamentalist?
Jesus confidently cites the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and refers to Jonah’s three days and nights in the belly of the whale.
READ ARTICLEWhat's Your Score on the S.A.T. (Salvation Aptitude Test)?
If this exam seems easy, you might want to try it out on your local Catholic-school eighth-grader or high-schooler.
READ ARTICLEA Glimpse of Catholic Culture
An attraction of the Catholic Church is her frankly populist atmosphere, her maternal ingathering of diverse nationalities, colors, and tongues.
READ ARTICLECan Catholic Orthodoxy Transcend Political Ideology?
Rather than mustering the courage to stand alone, Catholics find it easier to follow popular American political opinion.
READ ARTICLECapitalism Is Squandering Its Inheritance
Free enterprise in its earlier stage was the unwitting and ungrateful beneficiary of generations of hardworking, God-fearing people.
READ ARTICLEBriefly: April 1999
Reviews of Women Against the Good War: Conscientious Objection and Gender on the American Home Front, 1941-1947... What Went Wrong With Vatican II: The Catholic Crisis Explained... How Far to Follow?: The Martyrs of Atlas... A Thread of History... Parochial and Plain Sermons...