2004 May
Letter to the Editor: May 2004
Oakland is San Antonio... Offensive and Slanderous... Charles James Responds... Un-Christian Article...
READ ARTICLENew Oxford Notes: May 2004
Some Ecumenical Straight-Talk... Thank Goodness for the Unitarians!... Why (Most) Women Will Never Again Be Happy... Can the Pope Overrule a Vatican II Document?... more
READ ARTICLEMy Soul-Shattering Experience in the Seminary
I threatened to break the nose of one priest after he propositioned me, but word got around. I, not the homosexual, was made out to be the bad guy.
READ ARTICLEGraffiti in Warsaw, Mormons in Krakow, & Basements in Auschwitz
In Poland the presumption is that truth is one, and there is only the true Church. If it's not Catholic, it's not true. The spiritual maze is simple to navigate.
READ ARTICLEChastity & the Prolife Movement
The prolife movement of the 21st century must adopt chastity as the fifth pillar of advocacy for preborn children.
READ ARTICLEChristian Learning & The Daily Grind
Christian teachers who feel overwhelmed can remember that, if they are using well the gifts God has given them, good things are being done amid their busy-ness.
READ ARTICLEThe Heart of Darkness: How Visceral Hatred of Catholicism Turns Into Genocide
Historians have minimized the Vendée genocide because it does not fit the atheist myth that Catholics are the persecutors, while atheists are liberal and tolerant.
READ ARTICLENo Catholic Church, No Dorothy Day
Only love, no matter how historically insignificant it might seem, can create; and no work, no matter how well financed, if done without love can be fruitful.
READ ARTICLEBriefly: May 2004
Reviews of You Are Peter: An Orthodox Theologian's Reflection on the Exercise of Papal Primacy by Olivier Clément... Roman Catholics and Shi'i Muslims: Prayer, Passion, and Politics by James A. Bill and John Alden Williams... Vexilla Regis: Devotions and Intercessions for All Affected by War by Robert Hugh Benson