2015 November
Letter to the Editor: November 2015
Still Wondering... Bringing a Bold Truth to the Quad... Putting Away the Sword, Embracing the Cross... What Failure?... We All Lost... Warn the Bullies... Will We Need Another Gregory?... The Right of Necessary Disobedience... and more
READ ARTICLEThe News You May Have Missed
Congressional Papalotry... No Faith in the Subway... Death by Selfie... Monkey-Shoot Suit... Coif Face-Off... Appropriate Feminine Activities?... Forbidden Improv... Mexican Hat Bans... The Lighter Side of Science
READ ARTICLENew Oxford Notes: November 2015
What If #AhmedIsaFake?... Pope Francis Doesn't Need Your Applause
READ ARTICLEDreams of a Perfected Beehive
The "living constitution" is the conduit through which a whole worldview contrary to that of the framers is being impressed upon public policy in the U.S.
READ ARTICLEAn Atheist's Guide to Gambling
As Pascal notes in his essay "The Art of Persuasion," people base their beliefs less on proof than on the basis of attraction.
READ ARTICLEGreat Refusals
After only three months of papal rule, Celestine decided to abdicate the papacy and return to the hermetical life in the rocky ranges of the Maiella.
READ ARTICLEThe Tears of a Cleric
Bernanos has much to teach us about the clerical state, particularly that being a priest is not really about power, unless it is the power of self-sacrifice.
READ ARTICLEThird-Party Reproduction: The Commercialization of Parenthood
We cannot declare children a commercial right for all who want them, when neither the laws of nature nor our adoption or foster-care systems go this far.
READ ARTICLEBriefly: November 2015
Radically Catholic in the Age of Francis: An Anthology of Visions for the Future... Iota: A Novel... The Personalism of John Henry Newman