The Narthex
New Oxford Blog
A Deadly Word Game
White lab coats seem to make people believe their wearers cannot engage in sophistry
By John M. Grondelski | November 6th 2023 1:37 PMDavid Hackney is a Cleveland medical professor who is pushing Issue 1, the proposed Ohio state constitutional amendment to legalize abortion through birth, on the ballot tomorrow, November 7. He penned an article in the November 5 New York Times defending the amendment. He claims the State of Ohio is promoting…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFalling Leaves & Acorns
Death may come quietly, like the falling leaf, or it may come loud and jolting
By John M. Grondelski | November 3rd 2023 11:37 AMNat King Cole sang about “the falling leaves [that] drift by the window/the autumn leaves of red and gold.” Drifting autumn leaves suggest a quiet, peaceful sweep outside one’s casement. Last weekend was anything but. Fall was at its peak in Virginia and Saturday was a gloriously sunny day. As…
Which is more valuable: the soil that became man or the soil into which he is blended?
By John M. Grondelski | November 1st 2023 1:09 PMThen the LORD God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being (Genesis 2:7). One hundred and sixty years ago this November 19, Abraham Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg about hallowed ground.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAnother Missed Catholic Teaching Moment
The Hamas attack momentarily woke Western man from his moral slumber
By John M. Grondelski | October 30th 2023 2:02 PMMany Americans were rightfully repulsed when they watched students on American college campuses openly declaring their support for Hamas terrorists that killed over 1,400 people and took and still hold hundreds of hostages. It’s ongoing: On October 24, somebody projected pro-Hamas slogans -- including “Glory to Our Martyrs!” -- onto…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Determinist's Dilemmas
Absent free will, one is not free even to evaluate an argument
By James Hanink | October 27th 2023 8:10 PMNeurobiologist Robert Sapolsky recently captured a headline in the Los Angeles Times. “Humans lack free will, says Stanford scientist” (10-22-2023, B1). The subtitle drives home the point: “Decades of study lead to claim that virtually all behavior is beyond our conscious control.” So contends Sapolsky, the winner of a MacArthur…
The second full moon of autumn is a testament to God’s Providence
By John M. Grondelski | October 27th 2023 1:45 PMSaturday, October 28 is the second full moon of autumn which, by tradition, has in the United States been called “Hunter’s Moon.” (The first full moon is called “Harvest Moon”). The name comes from the fact that, in earlier times when food was found in field and forest, hunters would…
READ FULL BLOG POSTStamps and Civics
Once upon a time, stamps were miniature civics lessons, especially for collectors
By John M. Grondelski | October 25th 2023 3:00 PMLots of people bemoan the demise of civics. They argue that recovering civics might be a first step in recovering civility, a friendlier if not shared political discourse versus our contemporary polarization. There have even been government efforts -- state and federal -- to introduce mandatory civics education. Some critics…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGod, Caesar, and Dividing the Renderings Today
What if the people running institutions that presuppose a Supreme Being don’t presuppose Him?
By John M. Grondelski | October 24th 2023 1:53 PMThe November issue of Commentary, a monthly magazine of conservative Jewish thought, features a great essay, “Psalms They Have, But They Know Not.” Rabbi Meir Soloveichik ponders American Biblical ignorance, especially among its “educated,” and its implications. The immediate impetus for his article was an incident last summer on the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAn American (Priest) in Togo
The Church brings men and women holiness and addresses their basic needs
By John M. Grondelski | October 20th 2023 12:57 PMFr. William Ryan is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington who, since 2006, has served as a missionary in Togo, a country the size of Maryland, in western Africa. Ryan’s love affair with Togo dates back to the early 1970s when, before he studied for the priesthood, he joined…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNorth American Martyrs
St. Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brebeuf, and companions haven’t been cancelled yet
By John M. Grondelski | October 19th 2023 8:09 PMToday is the memorial of St. Isaac Jogues and Companions -- the 17th century Jesuit North American Martyrs -- slain in upper New York State. So far, they haven’t been cancelled as have Franciscan Junipero Serra or Jesuit Pierre-Jean De Smet. I feared they might, especially after Pope Francis’s 2022…
Simone Weil writes, ‘Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer’
By James Hanink | October 18th 2023 8:02 PMImagine a protest in which activists chant, “What do we want? Free publicity! When do we want it? Now!” Easy enough, right? Isn’t it already the subtext of many demonstrations? Or imagine a political campaign soliciting money chiefly in order to solicit more money. Again, easy enough. Isn’t it the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Movie Ruined by Shallowness & Fake 'Diversity'
Thoughts on the third installment of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'
By John M. Grondelski | October 17th 2023 8:58 PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding was a 2002 movie about a Greek-American woman navigating life in America between the expectations of her immigrant family and assimilationist impulses in the United States. Rife with stereotypes, it traces Toula Portokalos’s life as a kid growing up with parents that run a diner,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTime, Eternity, and Australia’s Referendum
All our victories and all our setbacks are merely temporary
By David Daintree | October 17th 2023 2:06 PMConsider the following reflection on the true purpose and goal of human civilization: "Before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58). This stunning statement assures us, with crystal clarity, that God's dwelling place is beyond and outside time. It's true that Scripture often tries to explain eternity by analogy with time…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJohn Paul II's 'Lively Battle'
We continue to learn much from the pope God gave us 45 years ago
By John M. Grondelski | October 16th 2023 12:45 PMOctober 16, 2023, marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the election of St. John Paul II as Pope. There are so many things about his 26-year pontificate for which we should be grateful, but I will focus on one I find particularly important: his Christian humanism. I am aware mention of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPerennial Politicians & the Temptation of Power
One's failure to recognize he is not a demigod makes him blind to wisdom
By John M. Grondelski | October 13th 2023 12:03 PMIn the wake of California Senator Dianne Feinstein's burial, op-ed writers have been scribbling away on why America’s leadership class is so dominated by octogenarians (with a few septuagenarians as junior officers). Writing in The New York Times (Oct. 8), David French picked up Ross Douthat’s most recent hobby horse:…