From the NOR Dossiers
Catholic Home Schooling
They're Coming for Our Children
April 2018American Christians take pride in the "religious freedom" we think we enjoy. But rights regarding even our own children can evaporate into the mist.
VIEW ARTICLE"But What About Socialization?"
January 2006Many believe the problem with homeschooling is the socialization of children. One couple, however, believes they have the answer.
VIEW ARTICLEHome-Schooling for Survival
December 2001My family lowered our small boat into the water and are rowing away from an American educational establishment that feels like the Titanic.
VIEW ARTICLEHome-Schooling & Sacramental Preparation
May 2001Good guidelines affirm home-schooling as a legitimate response by parents to their role as primary educators, while also affirming that home-schoolers should be part of the local Church.