From the NOR Dossiers
Cultural Counterpoint by Jason M. Morgan
History Never Happened
December 2024By the time the future comes, the present has bled into the past. The mind makes a story later about some of the scraps and calls it “history,” but no such story exists.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Small Origins of Big Things
October 2024The religion that stole over the decrepit Roman Empire and turned its dross into golden filaments of faith was the greatest big thing from small beginnings that ever was.
VIEW ARTICLEMerchants of Casual Sin
July-August 2024Oprah and the age of casual sinning she embodied, coupled with therapeutic celebrations of the same, must be met with a heavy dose of hard reality.
VIEW ARTICLERights From Wrongs
March 2024If Americans were completely morally depraved, they wouldn't bother garnishing their sins with imprimaturs from the Supreme Court or the court of public opinion.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Exalted & the Despised
December 2023Old categories of class, politics, and education have given way to a deep-down hatred for one another that traditional social sets can no longer begin to explain.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Rise of Immanent Metaphysical Time
October 2023The way we think about time has changed dramatically over five centuries. Time isn’t just a constant, a marked-off measure. It allows for the creation of whole worlds.
VIEW ARTICLEHonji Suijaku: Shell Game of the Gods
July-August 2023When one set of gods merges with another, all that’s really needed is to make charts designating which god goes where. More gods? Bigger chart. Easy.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen the Secular Saints Go Marxing In
October 2022Some call on "the American way of life" as a bulwark. But the American way of life is whatever the latest and strongest revolutionary says it is.
VIEW ARTICLE‘Tis Pity We’re All Whores
July-August 2022If we want our dignity — and our freedom of speech — back, then we have only to stop giving it away to the Internet.
VIEW ARTICLEUnmasking Putin’s Rasputin
May 2022If, God forbid, the need should arise, is it licit for a Christian to resist evil by force, to take up a weapon and kill an aggressor?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Age of Thoth: Words vs. The Word
March 2022When we privilege writing over personal encounter, we run the risk of setting up what is written as the arbiter of what counts and what doesn’t.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Human Life “Sacred”? A Taidan with Kevin Doak
October 2021Our bodies and our lives are tools at the service of the Kingdom, to be sacrificed if necessary, in imitation of Christ, for a higher good.
July-August 2021The FIRE strategy -- which stands for financial independence, retire early -- doesn’t alter the debt-peonage economy; it just carves out exceptions for a select few.
VIEW ARTICLEAll the World Is Staged
May 2021Most of us probably spend more time each day looking at screens than at anything, or anyone, else. Our thinking is curdled out of online scenarios.
VIEW ARTICLESons of Liberty, Sons of Anarchy
October 2020We Americans are a revolutionary people. Our homegrown hooligans are convinced of the purity of their motives and their righteousness.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Golden Age of Quackery
May 2020The West's turning away from Faith and the sacraments has opened a void we now try to fill with whatever hucksters come up with next.
VIEW ARTICLEUnmasking the Executioner
March 2020I contend that the state in 2020 has been so corrupted by institutionalized murder that it has no authority to carry out executions of anyone.
VIEW ARTICLEConservatism: The God That Failed
December 2019Conservatism claims to respect the Church, to have regard for God, but it reduces the Church and remolds God as a supporting figure.
VIEW ARTICLEDenizens of a Pale Blue Dust Mote
July-August 2019Carl Sagan’s immanent nihilism is premised on the seemingly conflicting notions that mankind is nothing and yet everything, simultaneously.
VIEW ARTICLE“Raising Awareness”: Reducing Philanthropy to Vanity
May 2019There is something very particularly American about "raising awareness": it is democratic, in seeking to sway public opinion; it is optimistic; it is evangelical and yet post-Christian.
VIEW ARTICLEBy the Lakes of Babylon
March 2019Fr. Hesburgh proved to be a perfect avatar for the Notre Dame he created: an endorser of some kind of vaguely conceived “natural religion.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Great Awokening: The Puritan Roots of the Social Justice Warrior
January-February 2019Social Justice Warriors behave like cult members. They are little Cromwells who demand Robespierre-level ideological purity of every single person.
VIEW ARTICLEFinding Security Behind Closed Doors
December 2018The sexbot is a tool that uses us and mocks our weakness. It is a vision of Hell: inhuman, ruthless, mendacious, comfortless, and cold.
VIEW ARTICLEEmblem of an Exhausted Era
October 2018"Novitiate" is a film to be expected at the bitter, burnt-out end of the sexual revolution. It is not so much a movie as a cry for help.