From the NOR Dossiers
Avery Cardinal Dulles & Fr. Richard John Neuhaus: In Memoriam
March 2009Recently, within a span of 30 days, the Catholic Church in the United states lost two of her most prominent and respected thinkers.
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Put Not Your Trust In Princes
September 2007As Kenny Rogers once said: 'You gotta... know when to fold 'em / Know when to walk away and know when to run.'
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Surrendering Oneself to Beauty
February 2007It seems Fr. Neuhaus is coming to realize that NOR was right after all about Hans Urs von Balthasar's empty Hell.
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Who's Malicious?
February 2006Fr. Neuhaus, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
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A Princely Salary
January 2006Fr. Neuhaus defends his comments about his "princely salary" as a use of irony, yet his statement can hardly be considered ironic.
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An Ex-Lutheran Still in Recovery
June 2004We do hope that Fr. Neuhaus will fully recover from his Lutheranism.
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The One-World Church
February 2004Whoa! Fr. Neuhaus, whatever happened to the "fullness of the truth"?
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Becoming the Lutheran He Was?
December 2002Fr. Neuhaus has a habit of taking away with his left hand what he has given with his right.
In Defense of Fr. Neuhaus & Dr. Hahn
December 2002A theologian may inspire countless Catholics with his charismatic speeches and media appearances and many writings, but he is not infallible — nor does he claim to be.
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What Burns Your Toast?
July/August 2002"There are times when I feel Fr. Neuhaus may be right. Now is not one of them."
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The Laity Out There In the Peanut Gallery
June 2002When you shoot from the hip you can shoot yourself in the foot. Just ask Fr. Neuhaus.
In Defense of Richard John Neuhaus
July/August 2001Neuhaus reminds us that although our culture is degraded, all Christians should take heart for through his cross and resurrection Christ has set us free.
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Lutheran Approaches to Catholicism
September 1988Review of The Catholic Moment by Richard John Neuhaus and The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
South African Complexities
December 1986South Africa was a “first world” country for white people (and a few others) and a “third world” country for the majority of its 30 million people.
Hankering for a Civil Religion
July-August 1985Neuhaus’s plea for the restoration of religious values in the public sphere and for the believing community to act there on the basis of its beliefs is proper and necessary.