From the NOR Dossiers
Biblical Scholarship & Controversies
Why Must Man Work?
January-February 2025That which is the first object of our making is not stuff but — like God — life itself, which means friendship, justice, generosity, love, peace, and children.
VIEW ARTICLEUnderstanding the Sacrifice of Isaac
October 2024Can the God who condemns the killing of the innocent be the same God who orders the innocent to be killed? How could God command such an action?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Universal Dimensions of the Incarnation
September 2024The Creator’s assumption of a created nature has effects that reach all of time and space — a truth supremely realized in the administration of the sacraments.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Seventh Last Word
June 2024Christ's final word is not a cry of desperation or defeat but a “victory cry,” a uniting of His will with God, pregnant with eager expectation of everlasting joy.
VIEW ARTICLEJesus Christ, Our God of Surprises
May 2024The mathematical probability of one person in the first century fulfilling just eight of the most straightforward Messianic prophecies is one in 100,000,000,000,000,000.
VIEW ARTICLEA Gift of the Spirit, Rarely Given
April 2024From the Patristic era to the 18th century, the consensus of Christianity was that speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift and is vanishingly rare in history.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sixth Last Word
April 2024At death will our thoughts be aimed at how to defeat it or how to make the experience an extension of the redemptive work of the Cross?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Paradox of Silence
March 2024Consciously removing ourselves from the world of distractions and the din of destructive gossip allows the silent Word of God to speak deeply in our hearts.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fifth Last Word
January-February 2024We followers of Christ are likewise called to thirst for souls, to burn with desire to see others saved — not only our family and friends but everyone we meet.
VIEW ARTICLEAre We Living in the Last Days?
January-February 2024Scripture and Tradition testify that the order of this world ends in the chaos from which it was formed when the hand of God withdraws its providential order.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fourth Last Word
November 2023Through our pain, we are capable of actually participating in the salvific economy of Christ. This spiritual power is all the more acute at death.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Third Last Word
September 2023Jesus chose for His mother’s guardian the disciple “whom He loved.” There were few, if any, who were better fit for such an important task than St. John.
VIEW ARTICLEPerspicuity: Protestantism’s Achilles’ Heel
June 2023Within the Reformed tradition, the most famous articulation of perspicuity, or clarity, is found in the 17th-century Westminster Confession of Faith.
VIEW ARTICLEWill There Be Sex in Heaven?
June 2023Christ’s answer to the Sadducees does not indulge the misunderstandings that underlie their question but points us back to what is fundamental.
VIEW ARTICLEWill There Be Marriage in Heaven?
November 2022Is the bond of unity of man and wife, created by oath in a sacramental marriage, also a spiritual bond that survives mortal death?
VIEW ARTICLEA New Look at the Old Testament
October 2022Short-selling the Old Testament is regrettable. The Church of Rome has always been clear that the New Testament doesn’t supersede the Old.
VIEW ARTICLEIs America Rooted in Exodus?
May 2022Kass describes three key components in the formation of the Israelite nation: their deliverance from slavery, the covenant and Law, and the Tabernacle.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Gospels of Peter & Mary
December 2021Peter was almost certainly looking over the shoulder of Mark during the writing of the second Gospel, and Jesus’ own mother had enormous influence on Luke.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Ancient Game of Guilt Abatement
September 2020Pew-sitters and religious leaders have come up with their own formulas to lessen the pain of guilt, all of them at odds with Scripture.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Resurrection: A Case of Collective Hallucination?
April 2020The scientific community holds a bias against the supernatural that is more censorial than any bias religion could have against science.
VIEW ARTICLELove of God & Love of Neighbor: One Commandment or Two?
January-February 2020Carinal Kasper grounds mercy in New Testament revelation and the Fathers of the Church. But his sources often do not say what he claims they say.
VIEW ARTICLEWho Determines Scripture's "Plain Meaning"?
July-August 2018The "I'm too catholic to be Catholic" line of argumentation falls to a subjectivity or "lowest common denominator" critique.
VIEW ARTICLEWhich Church Is the Real 'Bible Church'?
June 2018The completeness of Catholic conformity to the biblical blueprint is nothing less than astounding.
VIEW ARTICLEIf God Is Love, Why Does He Command the Annihilation of Entire Peoples?
June 2018We draw spiritual lessons from the Bible's 'herem' passages; we can interpret them in a manner that resolves the difficulties they pose.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Other Side of Mercy
January-February 2016Meditation on divine mercy is counterproductive if it crowds out our fear of Hell, along with our recognition that God can and will allow souls to go there.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Virgin Birth: Where Science Meets Scripture
December 2015Whereas the results of a DNA test of a famous person such as Jesus normally would be published in a major scientific journal, not so the results of this DNA test.
VIEW ARTICLEIs There a Biblical Basis for Capital Punishment?
April 2015Advocates of the American death penalty must stop hiding behind the Bible, or rather behind those three verses they quote out of context.
VIEW ARTICLEIsaac Newton: Scientist, Theologian & End-Times Prophet
March 2015Newton's terminal date is reckoned by the prophets Daniel and John that the return of Christ will commence 1,260 years after the restoration of the Roman Empire.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Crisis in Biblical Scholarship
December 2014Just as historians crank out “revisionist” history, theologians remake the image of Jesus in order to reshape everything from doctrine to architecture.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Davidic Typological Basis for the Dogma of the Assumption
July-August 2014This Marian dogma is integrally related to the notion of our Lady as the Queen of Heaven or, rather, the queen mother of the Messiah, the Son of David.
VIEW ARTICLEIn Defense of Jacob
June 2014We know that Jacob ardently loves Rachel, and that Rachel requested that he fecundate her maid. What do we not know? His feelings about such a request.
VIEW ARTICLEMarian Misconceptions
May 2014She who shared the highs in our Lord's life shared as well in His rejection. There is a striking similarity between the indignities suffered by Mother and Son.
VIEW ARTICLEFinding the Christ in His Apostles
December 2013Only the risen Christ could have caused so quick and complete a transformation of sane, rational men into men they were not.
VIEW ARTICLEGarry Wills's Assault on Christian Faith
December 2013A review of Why Priests?: A Failed Tradition
VIEW ARTICLEThe Case for a Consistently Pro-Life God
November 2013A favorite ploy for nonbelievers is to play off an allegedly vengeful "God of the Old Testament" against a peace-loving "God of the New." But this will not stand.
VIEW ARTICLEDiscerning the Spirits of Deception
September 2013The presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church has difficulty distinguishing the work of the Lord from that of the spirits of deception.
VIEW ARTICLEMysteries of Christ's Early Life
September 2013Throughout Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's theological career and pontificate, the Person of Jesus Christ has always been at the heart of his teaching.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Taking the Kingdom by Force
December 2012Some New Testament passages are a challenge to understand, require deeper reflection, and often lead to a plethora of questions.
VIEW ARTICLEThe "Big" Little Papyrus Fragment
November 2012The recent find of a small papyrus piece that quotes Jesus saying "my wife" is the latest to make a temporary media sensation before fading into obscurity like other, similar discoveries.
VIEW ARTICLEUnderstanding the Biblical Basis of the Mass
November 2012What could be more Bible-based than the Mass, already saturated with Scripture, following a liturgical year of readings that corresponds to the life of Jesus?
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Does It Mean to 'Serve Mammon'?
October 2012The possession of great riches, though not to be condemned in itself, nevertheless presents grave difficulties to the soul that seeks perfection.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Ass of Burden & the Lion of Conquest
September 2012The presence of the lion implies victory. The ass's presence, however, means that the victory will not be easy, but will result from the bearing of heavy burdens.
VIEW ARTICLEIn the Beginning Was "Power"?
May 2012Anne Barbeau Gardiner takes on an author who has "made a career of treating the Bible sacrilegiously" and sees power, not Logos, as the ultimate reality.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen Prophets Don't Pass the Test
July-August 2011That there will be an end of this world is unquestionably sound Christian doctrine, but when that end will come is another question altogether.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Army of Locusts Arises From the Smoke
June 2010Abraham Woodhead interpreted Apocalypse 9 as predicting a sudden invasion of Christendom by a horde of violent and unnaturally lustful insects.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Primeval Struggle
July-August 2009The forces that promote the Culture of Death have chosen their reward: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven!"
VIEW ARTICLEAt the Close of the Year of St. Paul
June 2009Paul seems to suggest that the apostolic ministry is an invitation to live an unsolvable riddle: "treated as impostors, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known" (2 Cor. 6:8-9).
VIEW ARTICLEPope & Rabbi Square Off Over the Teachings of Jesus
May 2009The Torah expressly indicates that God's saving revelation was not complete in what had already been announced.
VIEW ARTICLEPope John Paul II's Theology of the Body
March 2009The grace of marriage allows the parties to become one flesh and calls forth from them the same love Christ has for His Church.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Rapturists Miss About Rapture Theology
May 2008How can the Christian suffer as Christ suffered if he is airlifted off the face of the earth before he can undergo the most severe kind of suffering (the "tribulation")?
VIEW ARTICLEWhatever Became of Hell?
January 2008Jesus spoke of the evildoer as being in the netherworld, separated from the just by an impassable chasm, and tormented in flames.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Heretics’ Gnostic Gospel of Choice
November 2007Ever since The Da Vinci Code became a bestseller, the interest in "alternative gospels" and Gnostic writings has spiked among modern readers.
VIEW ARTICLEA Catholic Response to Sola Fide
September 2007Though "justification by faith alone" is widely popular, it is alien and contrary to the teaching of Holy Scripture viewed in its entirety.
VIEW ARTICLEBalthasar, Christ’s Descent & the Empty Hell
July-August 2007Review of Light in Darkness: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ's Descent into Hell
VIEW ARTICLEApocalypse Now (and Then)
May 2007Kirsch's absorbing personality profile of the scrupulous, dogmatic, and uncompromising John portrays him as a man in great distress in a pagan culture.
VIEW ARTICLEDives the Tax-Evader
June 2006Around the world, the struggle continues against economic theories that generate and tolerate excessive inequalities.
VIEW ARTICLEHomosexuality Is Bad? But Where's That in the Lectionary?
June 2006The Liturgy of the Word, which is a part of every Mass, would be one logical place for Catholics to look for divine guidance.
VIEW ARTICLEJewish Light on the Risen Lord
April 2006The intellectual integrity of Flavius Josephus remains a model, not only for Jews, but for all who strive to enrich the world of scholarship.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Parable of the Wheat & the Weeds: A Magna Carta for Dissent & Heresy?
November 2004Can some sense be made of the Pope's inaction?
VIEW ARTICLEA Clever Translation of the Bible
September 2004is a Bible with "extraordinary power" - extraordinary satanic power.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Broad & Comfortable Road to Lukewarm Christianity & Destruction
July/August 2004If our Lord could use "narrow gate" imagery to spur His listeners to repentance, then so can we.
VIEW ARTICLEA Groundbreaking Book
June 2004Jews of Old Testament times had to insulate themselves totally against the Gentiles because the pagan gods were demonic spirits.
VIEW ARTICLE"For Fear of the Jews" (If Only)
June 2004Bishop Patrick McGrath is not fit to be a bishop.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Gender of the Holy Trinity
May 2003The Church is the true spiritual mother -- women are her symbol. We must also appreciate the true Fatherhood of God -- earthly fatherhood is the symbol of Him.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen the "Shorter Form" Is The Politically Correct Form
January 2003Scripture is censored in the Parable of the Talents, where the "wicked, lazy servant" is sent "where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth."
VIEW ARTICLEDebt Relief the Cyrenian Way
June 2002The Cyrenian approach to debt relief is personal: he lends a debtor money out of his own pocket at an unbeatable interest rate — nothing.
VIEW ARTICLEDesigner Bibles
December 2001Zondervan, publisher of the NIV, planned a so-called inclusive-language version of the NIV that would eventually replace it, but was pressured to stop.
VIEW ARTICLEJesus Found Guilty of Hate Speech
November 2001America magazine bellyaches about how Catholicism has historically expelled "heretical Christians" from its midst.
VIEW ARTICLEIf Everyone Is Saved...
January 2001If no one goes to Hell, then all the talk about Hell in the Bible — and from the Church — is utterly cruel, needlessly cruel, maybe sadistic.
VIEW ARTICLEFrom Sola Scriptura to Social Chaos
December 2000The many rents in Christianity brought about by the heresy of sola Scriptura have as their cause that same sin of Adam and Eve.
VIEW ARTICLESola Scriptura, an Impossible Theory
December 2000A syllogism: (1) Whatever is not contained in Scripture is not to be believed; (2) Sola Scriptura is not contained in Scripture; (3) Sola Scriptura is not to be believed.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Jesus Seminar: Making Uncomplicated Things Complicated
November 2000Those who spin theories opposing John’s authorship are doing a great injustice to truth and the cause of Christ.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Failures of the New Lectionary
June 2000It entirely translates and edits out the Bible’s teaching on fornication, and renders the doctrine of Hell if not invisible, then opaque.
VIEW ARTICLEHow to Find a "Total Bible Church"
February 2000Look for one that explicitly reminds you of what St. Paul said was first in importance, Christ’s death, and for one that celebrates Communion frequently.
VIEW ARTICLEZorro & Bathsheba
September 1999My, the difficulties of inclusivity are well-nigh preternatural
VIEW ARTICLEThe Dumbbell Feminese Dialect
July/August 1999"Maximum possible fidelity to the sacred Scriptures"?
VIEW ARTICLEWas Our Lord a Fundamentalist?
April 1999Jesus confidently cites the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and refers to Jonah’s three days and nights in the belly of the whale.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Hell Closed Up & Boarded Over?
February 1999Where eternal rewards and punishments are concerned, are we more tenderhearted and clear-eyed than our forebears in faith -- than God Himself?
VIEW ARTICLEBejesus Seminar Discovers New Gospel in Desert, Common Sand & Call to Faction Supporters Jubilant
March 1998 VIEW ARTICLELessons to Be Learned From the Ecclesiastical Battle Over "Inclusive Language"
February 1998 VIEW ARTICLEThe Words of God
December 1989American hymnals and Bible translations must retain the authority that only memory, accuracy, and tradition bring, yet also be modern enough.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Danger of Riches
May 1989That our Lord meant to speak of riches as being in some sense a calamity to the Christian is plain from His praises and recommendation of poverty.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Limits of a Secular Exodus
October 1985A political understanding of the power of the Exodus story is eviscerated if its religious meaning is obscured.
VIEW ARTICLEInter-testamental Judaism
October 1984Scores of extra-canonical Jewish and Jewish-Christian writings were composed during the period between 300 B.C. and A.D. 200.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Complete Samaritan
June 1984Justice is an essential ingredient of love; love is not complete unless — to switch the metaphor — it is built on a foundation for social justice.
April 1984Biblical scholars may follow the first two steps of scientific procedure (formulation of hypothesis and accumulation of evidence) but cannot proceed to the third (verification).