From the NOR Dossiers
Liturgy, Liturgical Rites & Devotions
Whither the Roman Rite?
December 2024Arguing that the Novus Ordo Missae is substantively different from the old Mass is not easy, even as it is plain that something is very different between the new rite and the old.
VIEW ARTICLEIcons, Relics & Pilgrimages: A Secular Defense
October 2024Even atheists understand the search for a lost wedding ring as a rational act that goes beyond strict economic value.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Smoke in the Songs
June 2024Hymnal and missal editors aren’t infallible or unswervingly orthodox, and just because a song is in a hymnal or missal doesn’t mean it is free from error.
VIEW ARTICLEWas Pope Benedict XVI Holding Back the Destroying Flood?
May 2024Key to the great apostasy is the liturgy. “The way we treat the liturgy,” Benedict said, “determines the destiny of the faith and the Church.”
VIEW ARTICLEA “Cleansing of the Altar” Is Long Overdue
April 2024A good start to restoring a climate of reverence would be liturgical instruction that prohibits non-liturgical related activity during the Holy Mass.
VIEW ARTICLECandles & Candlemas
January-February 2024The humble candle is a sacramental of the Church; it reminds us of Our Lord and our call to illumine this world with His light, and it is an assurance of His protection.
VIEW ARTICLEDoes Good Liturgy Beget Moral Virtue?
June 2023Good liturgy involves good taste, and, as Burke said, taste depends on rational judgment, emotional maturity, and education — that is to say, the virtues.
VIEW ARTICLELiturgical Unity & the Crisis of Incongruity
June 2023Contrary to Francis’s vision, cutting off the old liturgy does not promote unity in the Church. Vatican II did not envision excising the old branch from the tree.
VIEW ARTICLEA Failed Experiment
May 2023If liturgical music returns to praising and glorifying God, our focus has a better chance of returning to the Eucharist and the Word.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Eucharist & Eulogies: Are They Connected?
April 2023The evisceration of eucharistic theology leaves gaping holes in other parts of Catholic life and praxis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe U.S. Bishops’ Holy Day Havoc
December 2022The bishops feign “pastoral accommodation” for those Catholics about whom the dirty little secret is that they wouldn’t come to Mass anyway.
VIEW ARTICLEBetter Is One Day in Your Courts
November 2021A renewal of the Lord’s Day would have us finding so many things worth doing for their own sake that we couldn’t be bothered to do ordinary, non-spiritual work.
VIEW ARTICLETraditionis Custodes: Taking a Bulldozer to an Anthill
October 2021There are no protagonists in the latest liturgical drama, only antagonists. Nobody comes out clean, neither traditionalists nor Pope Francis.
VIEW ARTICLESpiritus Domini: How the Exception Became the Rule
June 2021The Pope's decision to allow women into two “minor orders” of the Church shows how significant change can be instituted incrementally.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Makes the Catholic Mind Unique?
December 2020The Catholic world is an enchanted world, filled with theophanies of a God who longs to be our All in all.
VIEW ARTICLEWill the Coronavirus Lockdowns Usher in a Mustard-Seed Church?
September 2020The willful suppression of the sacraments by Catholic leaders could portend the diminution of the Church in both numbers and influence.
VIEW ARTICLEMaking Sense of Our Liturgical Morass
December 2019We need a clearer understanding of the Church’s relationship with her past and her tradition that will help guide us along the uncharted road ahead.
VIEW ARTICLEO Death, Where Is Thy…Tickle?
December 2019Everything in the old Requiem Mass forced us to consider death and God’s judgment, Christ’s mercy and our complacency.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Lutefisk, Latin & Liturgy
April 2019There is something undeniably bittersweet about the sublimation of a distinct culture into the flat, American consumerist anti-culture touted as an improvement.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat & Where Is the Holy Grail?
December 2018Its contents were what made the Grail holy. In that sense, just as every confessional is Chapel Perilous, so too is every adoration chapel a Grail Chapel.
VIEW ARTICLEOff with His Head!
July-August 2018A writer wants Cardinal Sarah fired from his post as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship because he "does not speak for the mainstream of the church."
VIEW ARTICLEWhat If Pope Francis Were to Rescind Summorum Pontificum?
March 2018What options does a parish that currently offers celebrations of the Mass in the extraordinary form have if it finds itself unable to continue doing so?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Most Important Things in Life Are Obligatory
March 2018Regarding religious observance, obligation is a large part of the act itself, and the benefit. Both having the obligation and meeting it form us.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Latin Mass After a Year's Attendance
December 2016The extraordinary form has a depth of imagery that the post-Vatican II revisers of the Mass simply eschewed, especially as regards the eucharistic sacrifice.
VIEW ARTICLEInvasion of the Empty Universals
December 2015The lack of a stable liturgical model from some golden age does not mean that the things of every culture and age are equally suitable for solemn liturgy.
VIEW ARTICLEA Dialogue of Forms
July-August 2015The Extraordinary Form and Ordinary Form sat down to discuss the first eight years of their formal co-existence, and invited me to record and moderate the conversation.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Beginning of the End?
May 2015A recently installed pastor's decision to allow only boys to serve at the altar has made headlines throughout the San Francisco area and across the nation. Salvatore Cordileone is his archbishop.
VIEW ARTICLEHidden Treasures from the Middle Ages
April 2014What was considered the best of various European missals came together in the Pontifical Romanum (1595), which became the norm for the Roman rite.
VIEW ARTICLEDeeper in History, Deeper in Prayer
November 2013In the long run, for my pastor, for me — for all of us — praying together at Mass in one voice of obedience and trust in the wisdom of the Church is the bottom line.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Revolution That Wasn't
March 2013There is a group in the Church that has noticed your smooth transition to the new missal — and is still peeved about the whole thing.
VIEW ARTICLEUnderstanding the Biblical Basis of the Mass
November 2012What could be more Bible-based than the Mass, already saturated with Scripture, following a liturgical year of readings that corresponds to the life of Jesus?
VIEW ARTICLEUndone by the "Permanent Workshop"
June 2012Waugh contended that the quiet and faithful "middle rank of the Church" are precisely those whose concerns were not being heeded by the Church or her Council.
VIEW ARTICLEPrayer Postures: What They Mean & Why They Matter
April 2012Why do Catholics (and Jews) reject prostration as a regular posture of liturgical worship, and why do Muslims use it as the signature posture of daily salat?
VIEW ARTICLEAltar Boys: The Problem or the Solution?
November 2011We fixed what wasn't broken with a correction that wasn't necessary, and in the process created a real problem that seems impossible to repair.
VIEW ARTICLEAt Mass, Actions Speak Louder Than Words
January-February 2011The rubrics, gestures, and symbols that are employed serve a fundamental and very useful purpose: they reveal and give witness to the faith we profess.
VIEW ARTICLEA Defining Step Toward Authentic Liturgical Reform
November 2010We ought to be thankful to Pope John Paul II, who set the stage for this momentous improvement of the Mass in the vernacular.
VIEW ARTICLEWhither Goeth the Reform of the Reform?
September 2010What measures should be taken to fast-forward the reform of the reform; to stop the nonsense and increase the sense of the sacred at Mass?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Case Against Liturgical Antiquarianism
October 2009We should expect liturgical rites wherein the priestly office is most clearly expressed as a living and continuous reality and not a static object in a museum display.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Three Natural Laws of Catholic Church Architecture
September 2009If a Catholic church building doesn't reflect Catholic theology, the worshiper risks accepting a faith that is foreign to Catholicism.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Charismatic Appetite
November 2008The charismatic quest for paranormal experiences of God is also a contrived pseudo-communion of ecstatic emotional dissolution.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Interview With a Carmelite
July-August 2008A Carmelite monastery in Wyoming is an exciting new element in the Church in America, and has proven to be fecund ground for vocations to the consecrated life.
VIEW ARTICLEBeware the Sajdah
May 2008As a practice of personal piety, the laity may use the posture of prostration as an expression of humility only in private.
VIEW ARTICLEChurch, Women & Pants
January 2008Difficulties arise when women wear tight or revealing pants to Church: Men start seeing them as a collection of titillating body parts.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Love of God Is Like...
June 2007Heaven is often compared to a lavish banquet. But somehow we can't imagine that it involves toilet paper and balloons.
VIEW ARTICLEOutrage Over Liturgical Dance
May 2007Liturgical dance has never been part of the liturgical tradition of the Latin Church, and never been deemed appropriate in the West.
VIEW ARTICLEHeaven Help Us With the Homily
April 2007After attending various Masses and talking with parishioners, we came to the conclusion that parish success or decline depends on the homily of the pastor.
VIEW ARTICLEBlack Is the Color
December 2006A black vestment helps induce a sense of penitential recollection -- remembering that "here we do not have a lasting city" (Heb. 13:14).
VIEW ARTICLEPlease Don't Bless My Children
February 2006I respectfully request that Eucharistic ministers leave the public blessing of children during the Mass to those who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
VIEW ARTICLE"On This Rock I Will Build My Celebration Center"
November 2005The word "church" has been replaced with less religious-sounding terms, like worship center, family center, family life center, praise center, or outreach center.
February 2005To require episcopal permission for the ancient liturgy is to suggest that the "old" Mass is somehow disturbing, like an exorcism.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Disappearing Sanctus Bells
July/August 2004Bells are used to warn or to summon. Bells express just about every mood and exigency; they are joyful, somber, pragmatic, ceremonial.
VIEW ARTICLEPutting Catholic Men on Ritalin
June 2004For men the atmosphere at Mass is reminiscent of being dragged out by the wife to see a musical or concert we really don't want to see.
VIEW ARTICLEA Schola Cantorum for Today's Liturgy
December 2003The Schola Cantorum of the Pacific is a living celebration of liturgy as community and music as its exalted language.
VIEW ARTICLEEv'ry Knee Shall Lock
September 2003Shall we correct "At thy great name exalted now, all knees must bend, all hearts must bow" to "At thy great name exalted now, all folks jump up, all in a row"?
VIEW ARTICLE'Friendly' Fire Does the Most Damage In the Catholic Civil War
May 2003The CDW cardinal's letter affirms that it is "completely appropriate" to kneel to receive Communion. Kneeling is not forbidden. No priest or bishop can force us to stand.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Hidden Treasures of Byzantine Catholicism
September 2002The heavenly aesthetic of the Byzantine Liturgy is "celebrant-proof." I have never seen it done badly. By contrast, I have seldom seen the Novus Ordo done well.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Outsider's Impressions of the Modern Mass
March 2002It is a non-negotiable fact about me (and probably many others as well) that I do not sing where even friendly strangers can hear.
VIEW ARTICLEBow Down & Worship Me!
February 2001It's all the rage now among liberal Catholics to say that Jesus is present in the congregation.
VIEW ARTICLEA Baptist Meets a Mutant Mass
February 2001The way most Baptists (and evangelicals) normally celebrate Communion -- a practice that Christ commanded us to repeat to evoke His sacrifice -- is a scandal.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Stage-Managed Emotionalism of Today's "Worship Experience"
January 2001Modern man wants a form of worship that is both understandable and predictable. And, because grace is the fruit of worship, this implies he wants his grace without mystery.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Bending the Knee to Receive Holy Communion
September 2000The lowering of oneself in humility is a statement about the Blessed Sacrament, not about you.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Liturgical Pogrom
July/August 2000The Hebrew-ness of Catholicism is a critical element of it. When we excise Hebrew elements from our prayers, we sever roots that feed our religion.
VIEW ARTICLESurprised by Tradition
June 2000When the Church stripped the liturgy of its grandeur, she cheapened the meaning of priesthood and is now reaping a predictably poor harvest.
VIEW ARTICLEOn the Power, Misuse & Neglect of Liturgical Symbolism
May 2000To all the people not theologically schooled, a definite message has been communicated about the meaning (or lack thereof) of the Eucharist.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Liturgy as Catechism
May 2000Our major training in the Faith still comes principally from what we see and hear at church on Sunday.
January 2000The Western Church surrendered its own true folk Mass — the traditional sung Mass — in favor of contrived and artificial ones.
VIEW ARTICLELiturgical Theology & Priestly Identity
December 1999Just settling the question of “presider” or “priest” could spark resolution of a host of issues — authority, salvation, and more.
VIEW ARTICLEEmotionalism or Ritualism - Or the Best of Both?
December 1999The liturgy does not try to create or evoke emotions but expects them to grow from our recognizing and feeling the truths the ritual expresses.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Dubious Pedigree of Touchie-Feelie Catholicism
November 1999Modern Catholic liturgists have tried to graft the “fellowship experience” onto the Mass, but it hasn’t worked.
VIEW ARTICLETurning Catholics Into a Stiff-Kneed People
July/August 1999Kneeling had always meant self-abnegation. To kneel in church was to blend in utterly, to be one more duck in a pond of ducks. Now I felt as if I were showing off.
VIEW ARTICLEMaking the Holy Mass a Generic Worship Service In a Generic Worship Space?
June 1999We should take the Catholic adage ‘what you pray is what you believe’ as an urgent warning.
VIEW ARTICLEGod Be in My Hand -- or on My Tongue?
June 1999In Church law, the communicant has the right to receive on the tongue or in the hand, and the further right to receive standing or kneeling.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Language of the Body & the Mass
February 1999We may stand for someone we decidedly do not revere. Kneeling, however, is a clear signal of reverence and even worship.
VIEW ARTICLEPost-Vatican II 'la la la' Music: Unworthy of the Catholic Church
October 1998The Church seems to choose to appear as in decline artistically, liturgically, and inspirationally.
VIEW ARTICLERebuilding Our Liturgy & Civilization
June 1998Pope Gregory’s program was really quite simple: To return to the people of Rome a sense of sin and a sense of the sacred.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Suppression of Popular Devotions In Today's Catholic Church
May 1998Leadership in a revival of Catholic devotions might be an appropriate role for those who are not priests but who are ordained: deacons.
VIEW ARTICLELessons to Be Learned From the Ecclesiastical Battle Over "Inclusive Language"
February 1998 VIEW ARTICLE“Do This In Memory of Me”
June 1995Review of Meditations Before Mass and The Eucharist: Our Sanctification
VIEW ARTICLEA Bold Venture in Liturgy
July-August 1985Now in our time an edition of the BCP has appeared under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, which does what none of its predecessors did or could do.