From the NOR Dossiers
Mary, Mother of God
The Annunciation: Mary’s Magnificent Act of Consent
March 2023Mary’s response to the angel’s message issued from the depths of her soul, bound her for all her days, and made salvation possible for mankind.
VIEW ARTICLEMarian Devotion as a Way of Life
December 2022I came to love Mary over thousands of evening Rosaries by candlelight and scores of Marian feast days observed in the liturgical cycle year after year.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Duality of Covenant Authority in the Catholic Church
May 2022The message of life’s rebirth came first to woman, and each time it is woman’s answer that determines the destiny of mankind.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Gospels of Peter & Mary
December 2021Peter was almost certainly looking over the shoulder of Mark during the writing of the second Gospel, and Jesus’ own mother had enormous influence on Luke.
VIEW ARTICLEReturn to the Message of Fatima
May 2017All nine popes who have guided the Church since 1917 have had a personal devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Feast of the Presentation in the Temple
November 2016This feast's celebration can be traced to at least the seventh century in Constantinople and the ninth century in the West. But the underlying tradition is much older.
VIEW ARTICLEA Panoramic View of the Real Pulcheria
July-August 2016St. Pulcheria's faith made her a key defender of Catholic orthodoxy, and her actions providentially came during a critical battle over basic Christological beliefs.
VIEW ARTICLEWomen's Indispensable Role in the Redemption of Mankind
June 2016As seen in Mary, women have unique authority as "the source of life in relation to [Christ] in the completion of the New Covenant."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Virgin Birth: Where Science Meets Scripture
December 2015Whereas the results of a DNA test of a famous person such as Jesus normally would be published in a major scientific journal, not so the results of this DNA test.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Davidic Typological Basis for the Dogma of the Assumption
July-August 2014This Marian dogma is integrally related to the notion of our Lady as the Queen of Heaven or, rather, the queen mother of the Messiah, the Son of David.
VIEW ARTICLEMarian Misconceptions
May 2014She who shared the highs in our Lord's life shared as well in His rejection. There is a striking similarity between the indignities suffered by Mother and Son.
VIEW ARTICLEBringing the Gospels Back to the Big Screen
January-February 2014Hollywood knows there's a lucrative market for Christian movies -- as demonstrated by The Passion of the Christ, the modern-day gold standard for biblical screen portrayals -- and studios have big plans to cash in.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Epic in Search of an Ending
April 2013If the Fatima story had occurred in the days of the Old Testament, it would have been made into a book of the Bible — prophecy-filled, drama-packed, and miracle-rich.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Epilogue for the Disappointed
April 2013We can't wait on the conversion of Russia; we have to attend to our own personal conversion and work for the conversion of the Church and our own nation.
VIEW ARTICLEIncarnations
December 2012Only by innocence and goodness can anything lasting in significance and truly beautiful be created.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Fatima & the Private Interpretation of Private Revelations
November 2011Interpretation of the three ‘secrets’ entrusted to the children at Fatima has been subjected to the vagaries of private interpretation by otherwise faithful Catholics.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Voice of the Mother of God
July-August 2011To turn us away from sin and toward Christ: This is essentially our Lady's mission in this world.
VIEW ARTICLEPortals to Apostasy?
May 2011Francis X. Clooney, S.J., offers us a choice regarding "which images of the divine" — Christian or Hindu — are "most theologically cogent today."
VIEW ARTICLEBetrayal or Integrity? The Choice Is Yours
December 2010On an everyday basis, we are provided the opportunity to betray or be sincere, to act with uprightness or to do violence to the innocent.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Last Secret of Fatima
February 2009For anyone who still harbors doubts about the authenticity of the third Fatima secret as revealed by the Vatican, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone's book is a must read.
VIEW ARTICLEA Question of Conviction
September 2008When sacrilegious art -- like a painting depicting the Virgin Mary wearing a G-string -- appears on a Catholic campus, what should be the proper response?
VIEW ARTICLEDid Mary's Assumption Really Occur?
July-August 2008In the absence of a credible dormition narrative from the early Church, is there any other source to turn to for a plausible description?
VIEW ARTICLEPilgrimage to Meryem Ana Evi
July-August 2008Mary's house remained essentially hidden from the world until 1950, when Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.
VIEW ARTICLETwo Marys Who Are Quite Contrary
October 2007More than a few women do believe that motherhood can be an obstacle to a woman's independence and self-fulfillment.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Timeliness & Urgency of the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima
July-August 2007The prophecy contains Heaven's plan to bring us the Peace of Jesus Christ, and warns of chastisement if the Church disobeys.
VIEW ARTICLEIn 1531, Mary Intervened to Prevent a Clash of Civilizations
February 2007Many Moslem women not only resemble our Lady in their style of dress but also in the practice of a virtue that Western women must once again embrace.
VIEW ARTICLEAny Stick to Beat the God-Thing
January 2007While some religious phenomena and some paranormal phenomena share some of the same qualities, that does not mean they are all the same thing.
VIEW ARTICLE“Diabolic Disorientation” in the Church
October 2006Every warning consisting of lethal consequences issued by Mary at Fatima continues to fall into place precisely as foretold.
VIEW ARTICLEPray the Rosary
May 2005My family being away, I am alone and come home to a house unchanged from how I left it in the morning. So, I decide to go to the Wednesday-evening Rosary at the chapel.
VIEW ARTICLEA Tirade Against Our Lady
January 2005Johnson retells the biblical story of Mary "subversively" to advance her cause; she reinterprets Mary's fiat at the Annunciation as "autonomy" and "choice."
VIEW ARTICLEDebate, Not Dialogue
July/August 2004Even such founders of Protestantism as Martin Luther practiced veneration of our Lady and called her Immaculate Conception a "sweet and pious belief."
VIEW ARTICLEAn 'Inside Story' About Lourdes
February 2002For the past 14 years I have been a volunteer at the shrine in Lourdes. Assignments are based on the needs for staffing and one's physical abilities.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Virgin Mary's Unique Privilege
September 2001All but the last two mysteries of the Rosary are taken directly from Scripture, and even the Assumption and Coronation are “veiled” there in the Prophets.
VIEW ARTICLECalls to Repentance & Salvation
January 2001Major apparitions of the Blessed Mother have occurred at those times when people most needed to hear her Gospel message.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Incarnation Made Scientifically Credible?
October 1999The possibility of a child coming into being without the agency of a human father is no longer scientifically incredible.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Power of the Virgin
January-February 1992Review of Encountering Mary by Sandra L. Zimdars-Swartz
VIEW ARTICLEMary, for Protestants
April 1985If Christ is so precious, perfect, loving, and wonderful, then what can be said of Mary of whom He is the fruit?
VIEW ARTICLEWeaknesses of Feminist Theology
December 1984An intelligent group like feminist theologians could manufacture six or seven attractive religious ideas in any given morning, and then invent a sacrament or two over lunch.