From the NOR Dossiers
Goodbye, Good Men & U.S. Seminaries
Uncle Ted McCarrick: Queen Pin of the Lavender Mafia
September 2018Many, many priests and bishops knew Theodore McCarrick was a serial molester and yet, somehow, McCarrick got the ultimate appointment to the Archdiocese of Washington D.C., and was elevated to the rank of cardinal.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Song Remains the Same
July-August 2017The Vatican evidently wants neither to ban nor not ban homosexuals from the priesthood, since it again chose to do neither in a recently-issued document on clerical formation.
VIEW ARTICLEU.S. Seminaries: Condition Stabilized
April 2009Why have the U.S. bishops seemed none too keen on drawing attention to the Vatican report on the moral and intellectual life of U.S. seminaries?
VIEW ARTICLE"I'm Looking Forward to Your Correction"
April 2006Yes, Amy, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind, but when you put pen to paper, please, would you make up your mind?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Story of a Rejected Candidate for Seminary
November 2003The diocesan psychologist requested that I draw a picture of a man, which I did -- wearing a cassock. Then she drew her own picture of a man -- hanging.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Crisis at Crisis Magazine
June 2003Many Crisis readers expressed profound displeasure with the original Crisis article on the topic of Michael S. Rose and Goodbye, Good Men.
VIEW ARTICLEPicking on the Average Joe Who Stood Up for the Little Guys
June 2003Catholics are sick of excuses and shifting the blame, and want bunker-busting solutions that get to the bottom of the moral and theological squalor.
VIEW ARTICLE"Mean" Michael Rose
March 2003Michael Rose has suffered "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune."
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Are They Going After Michael Rose?
December 2002Certain Catholic publications tend to soft-pedal and even back-pedal on tough subjects, particularly when something might be embarrassing to the hierarchy.