From the NOR Dossiers
What Is the Purpose of Poetry?
April 2024Poetry was once understood to be an anthropological episteme, a way of knowing, if only through a glass darkly.
VIEW ARTICLEA Poet under the Mercy
November 1989Many of Vanauken’s poems are reminiscent of Browning, Donne, the early Charles Williams, and others, in style, tone, and theme.
VIEW ARTICLEWilliam Carlos Williams: A Doctor’s Faith, a Poet’s Faith
June 1986Williams knew how bored, self-centered, and self-indulgent the rich can be, and how desperately confused, vulnerable, and self-lacerating the poor often are.
VIEW ARTICLEParadoxical in the Extreme
December 1983Evidently a man of coarse, even slovenly, personal habits, Auden was as meticulous as T.S. Eliot in the precision of his verse.