From the NOR Dossiers
Pope St. Paul VI
A Clerical Life in Overdrive
April 2024Fr. Paul was the fulcrum of many a network of artists, academics, jurists, politicians, and men and women of letters, locally and across the globe.
VIEW ARTICLEDivided Man, Divided Legacy
March 2024French author Yves Chiron presents Paul as torn between mind and heart, with strong emotional reactions tempered at times by rational thought.
VIEW ARTICLESpiritus Domini: How the Exception Became the Rule
June 2021The Pope's decision to allow women into two “minor orders” of the Church shows how significant change can be instituted incrementally.
VIEW ARTICLEConveying the Message of Humanae Vitae to the People of Today
May 2021Church doctrine regarding contraception is one of the least understood and accepted parts of her conjugal and sexual ethics.
VIEW ARTICLEMaking Sense of Our Liturgical Morass
December 2019We need a clearer understanding of the Church’s relationship with her past and her tradition that will help guide us along the uncharted road ahead.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Dreamers’ Failed Dialogue with Islam
November 2018Interreligious talks have proven fruitless, and our own theologians have not told us even the minimum of truth about Islam.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Exclusive Interview with Karl A. Schultz on the Canonization of Pope Paul VI
October 2018Paul VI was arguably the most influential — and assailed — Catholic of the 20th century. His impact on the Church was unparalleled, due to the time of his reign.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Triumph & Tragedy of the Most Misunderstood Document in Modern Church History
July-August 2018The encyclical is a profound reflection on marital love that was later deepened and contextualized in more pastoral and juridical (canon law) forums.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Humanae Vitae Got It Right
July-August 2018In these times, the idea of self-giving love is squeezed out by the identification of love with sexual attraction and pleasure.
VIEW ARTICLEA First Step in the Recovery of a Catholic Vision of Reality
April 2018The old Mass cannot be revived successfully in isolation or simply as a juridical mandate or even a catechetical tool.
VIEW ARTICLEIs the Pope Looking to Lambeth?
November 2017Why would Pope Francis form a group to study the composition of the 1968 encyclical if the intent is not to fundamentally change its message?
VIEW ARTICLEA Virus, a Crisis
April 2016Why didn't Pope Francis immediately promote natural family planning as soon as he heard the reporter ask about the licitness of "avoiding pregnancy"?
VIEW ARTICLEPaul VI's Other Neglected Document
November 2014In June 1968 Pope Paul issued a motu proprio, arguably of greater importance than Humanae Vitae, called Solemni Hac Liturgia, a profession of faith.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy the Popes Failed to Act
June 2014A central part of the Legion's response-- that "charges had already been thoroughly examined and found baseless"-- explains why three popes ignored the allegations.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Radiant Joys of Marital Discipline
December 2012Husband and wife must pour themselves out for each other in prayer, service, and loving sacrifice. They are called to become "helpmates" in the pursuit of holiness.
VIEW ARTICLERebuilding After the Collapse of Catholic Conviction
April 2011Good Catholics realize that one cannot just accept the teachings one already agrees with while laying aside those one no longer agrees with.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spirit of Humanae Vitae
February 2008Pope Paul VI's words are a breath of fresh air in a world suffering the horrendous effects of the contraceptive mentality.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Paul VI's Prophetic Warning
May 2006Undoubtedly, the Pill is a "gateway" drug, introducing its users to promiscuity, premarital pregnancy, abortion, and divorce.
VIEW ARTICLEGrand Detours From the Second Vatican Council
October 2005One of Vatican II's major problems was that its message of altruistic love and spiritual freedom was given to a society on the verge of cutting loose most of its social mores.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spiritual Hazards of Wealth
April 2005Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum, promulgated in 1891, remains closely in touch with the true mission of the Catholic Church: the salvation of souls.
VIEW ARTICLE"This Is My Body...My Blood"
February 2002The glorified physical Body of our Savior is able to be in more than one place at one time. This is a miracle in which the natural laws of physics and biology are superseded.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sovietization of American Women
May 1999John Paul II wrote, “The mentality which honors women more for their work outside the home than for their work within the family must be overcome.”
VIEW ARTICLEOur Economy of Paper & Hot Air
September 1998The inflated paper value of our corporate structure as reflected in stocks has not the remotest connection to real capital.