From the NOR Dossiers
Catholic Education Trends
Twilight of the Universities
October 2024Education steeped in transcendental Beauty and the Great Books of history is replaced by a dictatorial ugliness that flattens the passions and rids the heart of love.
VIEW ARTICLEFrom the Narthex
July-August 2024In this special section, which runs as an occasional feature, we present samples of the offerings in the Narthex, the NOR’s online blog.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat “Old Books” Have to Teach Us About Being Human in the 21st Century
September 2021Although we have more books available to us than at any time in history, fewer and fewer of us read great literature, distracted as we are by screens.
VIEW ARTICLEFr. Ted’s Big Trade
May 2020Hesburgh departed from the idea of creating a distinctive institution in the Catholic intellectual tradition, settling instead for making it more American and worldly.
VIEW ARTICLEA See of the Second-Rate
March 2019The norm among the men who wear miters — men who are supposed to possess powers of discernment — appears to be gaffes, ill judgment, and an apparent blindness to reason.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College
May 2018An affirmation of Church teaching at Providence College is seen by students and administrators as an act of "homophobia" and "transphobia" that warrants intimidation and threats because it's an offense against the PC narrative.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Old Days: Were They Really That Good?
January-February 2018The principal difference between "these times" and "the good old days" lies, for Catholics as well as others, in the breakdown, redefinition, and dissipation of families.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Tower of Babel
September 2017Washington let it be known that if the states would but ask to be enrolled in the Common Core plan, billions of dollars in stimulus money would be theirs.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy We Need a New Model of Catholic Higher Education
September 2016Young Christian faithful need to engage with the contemporary world while pursuing their chosen life's work.
VIEW ARTICLECatechesis & the Average Catholic
July-August 2015The average American Catholic is a 48-year-old woman married to a Catholic spouse with whom she has two children. She attends Mass at least once a month, puts $10 in the collection, and is not very active in her parish.
VIEW ARTICLEOn the Fundamental Evil of Fragmentation
September 2014A saint is one who sees, who sees his relationship not only to family members, classmates, and business associates but to the entire Mystical Body.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Support Catholic Schools?
September 2012Catholic schools embrace a mission that is illegal in public schools: the embodiment of Jesus Christ in the faculty, staff, students, and their parents.
VIEW ARTICLEWhere Have All the Students Gone?
March 2012Media coverage of Catholic school closings in city after city raises a certain question that isn't asked, and that few can even imagine asking.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Great Catholic Science Textbook Debate
December 2011Any approach to teaching science must begin with certain attitudes and assumptions about the nature of the world around us.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Education for Children of Same-Sex Couples?
July-August 2010Archbishop Chaput says if parents "live in a manner that openly rejects" Catholic beliefs, "then partnering with those parents becomes very difficult, if not impossible."
VIEW ARTICLEQuo Vadis, Catholic Higher Education?
January 2009Students, a new cohort of faithful faculty members, and orthodox bishops are beginning to pay more attention to what is happening on Catholic campuses.
VIEW ARTICLEMoving Beyond the 'Yellow Armadillo'
October 2008While many Church officials and patrons are still intent on erecting ugly novelty churches, some architects are taking a different approach.
VIEW ARTICLEA Question of Conviction
September 2008When sacrilegious art -- like a painting depicting the Virgin Mary wearing a G-string -- appears on a Catholic campus, what should be the proper response?
VIEW ARTICLETeacher Preparation in Catholic Colleges
April 2007Given the public-school debacle, one would think that education departments in Catholic colleges would sprint in an opposite philosophical direction.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat's Wrong With Religious Education...
July/August 2006We need an overall increase in knowledge of the Catholic religion among all age groups in each diocese, in particular as concerns the sacraments.
VIEW ARTICLEDad, How Do You Say 'Video' in Latin?
May 2006Method more than content was the real drawback in the teaching of Latin and Greek before they were "squeezed out of the curriculum."
VIEW ARTICLEBeware of Thomas Groome or Anything Associated With Him
December 2004Groome seemed well-respected in catechetical and episcopal circles, and his books were rubber-stamped by a committee at the USCCB.
VIEW ARTICLERaising Religious & Moral Standards for Catholic High School Students
December 2003The typical student in religion class today has never been required to think deeply about the more complicated or abstract concepts of Catholicism.
VIEW ARTICLEProtecting Our Children from Catholic Schools
December 2003Parents expect a faithful presentation of the Catholic faith, but they actually get dissent and the unexamined clichés of the social "gospel" and pop "spirituality."
VIEW ARTICLERecovering the Lost Tools of Learning
June 2002Classical education fosters the patient acquisition of the perennial arts of learning rather than the rapid accumulation of 'relevant' knowledge.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Art of True Education
June 2002He who is nurtured in an educational environment in which the true, the good, and the beautiful are rightly cultivated will, Plato argues, 'become noble and good' and 'salute' reason.
VIEW ARTICLEConformed to the World?
October 2001Even the brightest graduates of diocesan Catholic schools are idiots.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat's Your Score on the S.A.T. (Salvation Aptitude Test)?
April 1999If this exam seems easy, you might want to try it out on your local Catholic-school eighth-grader or high-schooler.
VIEW ARTICLENo Premarital Sex? It's News to Catholic Students
February 1999In a place where young minds are supposed to be in training, the bodies are apparently active and the minds are apparently unengaged.
VIEW ARTICLE"Ed Speak" Invades Catholic Schools
December 1998State licensing and certification lend legitimacy to “experts” but, as the Teacher from Nazareth remarked, by their fruits ye shall know them.