Important writings you may have missed

1999 – Volume LXVI
January 1999
The Battle of the Creeds... Teacher's Dirty Books... The Cure for AIDS: An Epidemic of Chastity... Our Carnal Culture's Contempt for the Flesh... Why a Married Priesthood Won't Remedy the Priest Shortage... A Look at Dave Hunt, Leading Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist... A Choice Facing All Serious Christians... Sending the Wrong Message...
VIEW THIS ISSUEFebruary 1999
The Decadence of the Feminese Dialect... The Language of the Body and the Mass... The Looming Civil War Over Abortion... How to Form a Catholic Mind... The Martyrs of Gorcum... Visits to "Purgatory"... Is Hell Closed Up and Boarded Over?... The Sexual Revolution Is Doomed... No Premarital Sex? It's News to Catholic Students...
Responding to the Crisis of the Church... The Homosexual Condition: Can It Be Changed? Prevented?... Ritualizing Abortion... Preparing Young People for Marital Fidelity... Contraception vs. Natural Piety... Dying to Be Seen... Not Just a Misunderstanding...
"Tolerating" Christianity Into Irrelevance... Sweet Land of Liberty (or of "Intimate Relationships"?)... Why Is It OK to Insult a Pregnant Lady?... Was Our Lord a Fundamentalist?... A Glimpse of Catholic Culture... Can Catholic Orthodoxy Transcend Political Ideology?... Capitalism is Squandering Its Inheritance...
C.S. Lewis: His True Stature in Dispute... In the Culture of Clinton: A Time for Defiance... Anti-Fetal Rhetoric: America's Best-Loved Hate Speech... The Sovietization of American Women... The Bishops New Statement on Abortion... Lost Shepherds, Vulnerable Sheep... When Invoking the Holy Spirit Will Justify Just About Anything...
Generic Worship Service In a Generic Worship Space?... God Be In My Hand - or on My Tongue?... The Carthusian Martyrs of London... Neither Statism Nor Individualism... Running to Do Evil... 'Til Annulment Do Us Part?... Self-Obsessed "Spirituality"...
VIEW THIS ISSUEJuly/August 1999
The Dumbbell Feminese Dialect... Shack-Ups and Shakedowns on Campus... Atheism For Catholics?... Religious Freedom: What Is the Catholic Teaching?... The New Totalitarianism: Forcing People to Be Tolerant... These Are Family-Life Experts?
VIEW THIS ISSUESeptember 1999
Cardinal Insubordination... The Cartoon Saga of Unholy Moses... Can We Revitalize Catholic higher Education?... The Religion of the Marketplace... "Jesus is God": Can That Statement Be True for Me but False for You?... Zorro and Bathsheba...
The National Catholic Register is Playing the Denial Game Again... Power, Money, Deals, Drugs & Bimbos... In the Valley of the Shadow of Death... The Incarnation Made Scientifically Credible?... Sexual Liberation in the 90s - the 1390s...Don't Mess With a Pregnant Lady - Or Her Husband...
VIEW THIS ISSUENovember 1999
The Antinomian Consequences of Homophilic Quietism... The Revolution in the Catholic Church: Unstoppable, Defeated, or What?... American Catholics as Cultural Protestants... Why Catholics Must get Off Their Duffs... Humanity in the Age of Dotage... Darwin vs. Jesus? Something Fishy's Going On... The Dubious Pedigree of Touchie-Feelie Catholicism...
VIEW THIS ISSUEDecember 1999
Homosexual Memoirs for Catholic Freshman: Why?... Hating the Body... When Death is Our Physician... Confronting Sexual Immorality... Rome - Or Beach Blanket Babylon... Billy Graham's Crumbling Journalistic Legacy... Anglo-Catholicism Was a Victim of Its Own Success... Catholicism is Y2K-Compliant... But Are Catholics B.C./A.D.-Compliant?...