Important writings you may have missed

2018 – Volume LXXXV
January-February 2018
Islamic Anti-Semitism & the Culture of Hate... Pro-lifers, You've Been Played... Saving Pop... The Old Days: Were They Really That Good?... Can Neo-Scholasticism Make a Comeback?... Is Modern Man Too Healthy for Literature?... Kermit Gosnell in the Cone of Silence... An Introduction to North American High Toryism
Are We Winning?... Falling into the Darkness of Error... A Journey to the Threshold of Eternal Life... Do Historical Norms Alter Church Teachings? Should They?... What If Pope Francis Were to Rescind Summorum Pontificum?... The Most Important Things in Life Are Obligatory... Peter Against the Saracens... Is a Gender War Woven into the Fabric of Creation?
Zen & the Artifice of Vatican Diplomacy... They're Coming for Our Children... The Confessional Seal & the Sealed Tape... American Libidocracy... Cardinal Cupich's Uncertain Trumpet... The Family: The Center of Civilization... The Origins of the French "Jihad of Proximity"... A First Step in the Recovery of a Catholic Vision of Reality
Losing Our Religion... The New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College... Religious Rebirth in the Black Mountains... From a Witness in Bangkok to a Near Martyr in Karachi... Are Islam & Democracy Compatible?... Why Are Things the Way They Are?... Why Is the European Union Bullying Poland & Hungary?... Kindred Spirits, Fellow Victors... Untiring Sentinels of the Coming Kingdom
Are There Atheists in Heaven?... Scalfari Strikes Again... Who Really Won the Civil War?... Which Church Is the Real 'Bible Church'?... Clerics & Curates: Who Needs Them?... If God Is Love, Why Does He Command the Annihilation of Entire Peoples?... The Founding Father of the Christian Tradition Concerning Islam
VIEW THIS ISSUEJuly-August 2018
Losing Our Religion... The New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College... Religious Rebirth in the Black Mountains... From a Witness in Bangkok to a Near Martyr in Karachi... Are Islam & Democracy Compatible?... Why Are Things the Way They Are?... Why Is the European Union Bullying Poland & Hungary?... Kindred Spirits, Fellow Victors... Untiring Sentinels of the Coming Kingdom
VIEW THIS ISSUESeptember 2018
“Uncle Ted” McCarrick: Queen Pin of the Lavender Mafia... Is Francis Doing for Our Times What Jesus Did for His?... The Shape of Society’s Lies... Cooperation & Supernatural Brotherliness... Praying for a Nun... A Pro-Life Pivot?... An Extraordinary Educator’s Enduring Legacy... Can a Return to Augustine Resolve the Current Educational Crisis?
An Exclusive Interview with Karl A. Schultz On the Canonization of Pope Paul VI... The Weight of Anchises... Why American Politics Marginalizes Catholic Voters... At Last, a Reckoning?... Humanae Vitae: A Manual for Better Sex?... Emblem of an Exhausted Era... On The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus
VIEW THIS ISSUENovember 2018
I Am Not White... The Futility of Trying to Derive a Religion from a Book... What Is & What Ought to Be... Ecce Papa Franciscus!... Ressentiment or Rectification?: Dante’s Divine Comedy & the Viganò Testimony... The Strange Magnetism of Virtual Fisticuffs... Dracula by Bram Stoker... Review of Le malentendu islamo-chrétien
VIEW THIS ISSUEDecember 2018
What & Where Is the Holy Grail?... Is Francis’s Revised Teaching on the Death Penalty a Development of Doctrine?... An Outcast Among Organization Men... Finding Security Behind Closed Doors... Gosnell: The Bigger Picture... “William Wilson.” By Edgar Allan Poe... Perfecting the Social Order... The Dictatorship of Noise