Withholding Tithes

Alongside prayer, money is our weapon

Legatus, a group of Catholic business leaders, announced it is withholding an $850,000 tithe to the Vatican until it gets adequate answers to questions raised by financial and sex-abuse scandals in the Church. Without stating as much, the group is acknowledging the presence of present-day “temple prostitutes” and is acting toward their dispersion.

The shutting down of “temple prostitutes” is nothing new. Sooner or later an organized religion manifests this sordid development, necessitating a purge of its entrenched cults. Male and female cult prostitutes were exterminated by God time and again (cf 1 Kings 22:46).

But why the sexual perversion in ancient and modern religions? In a study of 1 Thessalonians, John MacArthur points out that the ancient spiritual leader was the man who was thought closest to God. Thus, intercourse with the leader (or charlatan) was union with the deity, and so “intimacy with the gods was achieved through fornication.” Cardinal McCarrick became that church cult leader and, according to words reportedly spoken by him, a link to the deity — and to influential positions in the hierarchy.

Sinful human nature has not changed since ancient times.

Richard M. DellOrfano spent ten years on a cross-country pilgrimage following Christ’s instruction to minister without possessions. He is completing his autobiography: Path Perilous, My Search for God and the Miraculous.

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